Education Consultant - Tony Fynn
Independent education consultant who works with clients in New Zealand and internationally

Tony Fynn
Tony is an independent education consultant, based in Palmerston North, New Zealand.
He works with clients throughout New Zealand and internationally. He aims to positively influence student outcomes through his interactions with students, schools, boards of trustees and owners. He has a passion for helping others to achieve.
Typically, Tony work in partnership with
- International Schools
- New Zealand Schools
- Boards of Trustees
- Students and parents
As a UK university graduate with UK QTS, NZ Teachers Council Registration, and KSA Ministry of Education approval, Tony has almost 30 years of continuous service in state sector schools and private international Cambridge schools around the world. This includes a period of around 14 years, working in the UK and New Zealand, in the primary and secondary sectors as a teacher, HOD and HOY (Dean). He also spent almost 15 years as Secondary Headteacher, School Principal and Executive Principal of three high performing Cambridge International Schools in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait.
During his leadership tenure, Tony led teams in excess of 100 staff, and held responsibility for all aspects of school operations including
- Teaching, learning, curriculum and assessment
- Pedagogy and methodology
- Research based school improvement
- Data driven decisions for learning
- School improvement
- School culture, ethos and climate
- Policy, systems and procedures
- Legal, compliance and accreditation
- Finance and audit
- Recruitment and retention
- Employee appraisal and performance management
- Staff professional development
- Developing leadership pathways and teambuilding
For many years, he was also the Head of Centre for Cambridge {CAIE} in a Cambridge Independent School, which was rated as ‘a model of good practice’, by Cambridge Compliance Inspectors.
The results achieved by Tony’s students at Cambridge IGCSE level and above, were outstanding, with many winning regional, national and international recognition as a result. The vast majority of graduating students went on to study medicine, engineering or dentistry at high-ranking universities around the world.
Tony has delivered professional development courses for the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Education and received official recognition on a number of occasions, from the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Education, for his contribution to education in the region.
These diverse experiences give Tony a wide-ranging set of skills, breadth of knowledge and refreshingly varied perspectives. He is adept helping people and organisations explore problems and develop effective solutions
As a consultant Tony has the ability to work effectively and confidentially with a wide range of clients, and has become known for his ability to get the job done, in collaboration with various stakeholders, whilst building excellent working relationships.
As an England sports fanatic, and avid fisherman, Tony has learned that having a sense of humour is essential!
Hopefully, after looking through our website, you will find the consulting area you are considering seeking assistance with. If not, please get in contact. Tony is always happy to help